Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Do parents neglect their health?

According to Yahoo! Health and Self magazine, parents do neglect their health. Here are the ways they can:

Rarely or never exercise
Do not make eating healthy top priority
Do not take enough "me" time

Here are some ideas on how to improve in these areas:
Choose activities you enjoy and do them with your friends. This will help get in regular exercise.
Join a local gym close to home and set aside days each week to workout.
Download myfitnesspal to your smart phone and use it!
Choose healthy snacks, pack your lunch.
Sit down for dinner, eat breakfast and stop eating when you are full.
Schedule time to snuggle with your significant other.

Time savers to allow more time for "you":
Pay bills online to save time.
Change air filters in the house to cut down on dusting.
Use online shopping to order groceries, pick them up on your way home from work, school, etc.
Make chore lists for the children to help keep things around the house clean and organized.

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